Our team has recently completed rewriting WAM and released WAM 2.0 to all of our customers. With this new version of WAM we have also created a WAM Beta build which we would like to open access to a select few WAZER customers.
As a result, we are looking for a small group of WAZER customers to help us test out WAM. This will involve you using a Beta build and reporting any bugs, glitches, or other issues back to our team via a standard form and process. The files you generate will be usable on your current WAZERs, so you will be able to use this as a replacement for the current WAM you use.
If you are interested in helping out with the WAM Beta testing, please fill out this survey with your information. This will be limited to just a small handful of current WAZER customers.
Beta user selection will be based on the application responses and making sure we have coverage from WAZER users across all professions, including engineers, designers, artists, students, and technicians, as everyone’s desires and workflows are so drastically different!
If you are selected, the first build you will be evaluating will have a few new UI/UX changes and the ability to save a WAM workspace file type. This will allow you to re-import your WAM file setup at a later date for fine tuning and re-cutting.

Looking forward to working with you and releasing new versions of WAM!