WAM V2.1 has been released, which includes the ability to save WAM Workspaces, incorporation of auto-pierce indicators, material database search, improved cut group processing times, spinner icons to indicate loading progress, and a refined material database.
WAM Workspace File Saving
After setting up a WAM file for cutting, you can now generate a file that will save that WAM Workspace configuration for opening and editing later. This can be a real time saver for those that have the need to recut similar files over time, but may need to incorporate minor tweaks such as a different material, a shift in position on the Cut Bed, or fine-tuning cut features such as tabs. To utilize this new feature, you will see an option to save this file type in the last cutting menu of WAM, below the “Generate Job File” button that will generate your WAM cutting file for your machine.

Auto-pierce Indicators
Auto-pierce has been a functionality of WAM for many years. It takes cut profiles that are less than 1.65mm in diameter and only pierces at the center of that circle, creating a much more accurate hole than trying to resolve a circle that is almost the size of the cutting kerf. This feature most recently was refined in WAM V1.7 to be more accurate. However, until now there was no clear indication in WAM on whether your cut profile was designated as an auto-pierce or not. Now users will be able to see any cut profiles that are autopierces with a green indicator on the virtual Cut Bed. Furthermore, cut profiles that are not possible for the WAZER to cut because they are smaller than the waterjet kerf are not highlighted in green or orange, simply white segments from import, indicating that they will be omitted.

GIF Additions to Each Section’s Help Menus
Sometimes a short clip is worth a thousand words. In light of future feature expansion we are going to employ GIFs to provide context on how to use a feature or section of WAM. Look out for these GIF additions and updates in the future.

Material Selection
The updated material database contains a few new materials as well as updated material cut settings for pre-existing materials. Furthermore, finding and selecting materials can now be done by using a new search menu. Type in the material name or grade in order to more quickly find the material in your database. This search works both for WAZER materials as well as your own custom materials that you have added.

File Processing
Processing time between certain steps of WAM has been improved. This will be most noticed in files that contain many individual segments and cut groups. Additionally, spinner icons to indicate processing have been implemented across all the menus to better give users an indication of when WAM processing is in progress and completed.