
WAZER Waterjet Consumables

WAZER uses two types of consumables: abrasive and replacement parts. Ground abrasive particles, called garnet, are continually fed through the machine to facilitate cutting. Additionally, some mechanical components wear over time and will need to be replaced.


The cutting power of waterjets comes from the fine abrasive particles that mix with the water stream. 

Load Abrasive

Pour abrasive through the mesh filters into the hopper on the side of the machine. WAZER holds 30 lbs (13.5kg) of fresh abrasive.

Cut Your Part

The abrasive mixes with the high pressure water stream, creating a slurry jet that cuts through the workpiece.

Remove Used Abrasive

WAZER automatically collects and deposits the used abrasive into buckets for easy disposal.

Abrasive Specs

Material:80-Mesh Alluvial Garnet
Abrasive Flow Rate:0.33 lbs/min (0.15 kg/min)
Abrasive Capacity:30 lbs (13.5 kg)
WAZER Abrasive:Available in the continental USA
3rd Party Abrasive:Cutting performance and operational stability will be affected when using any 3rd party abrasive. For best results WAZER requires an abrasive that matches our calibrated specs. We recommend reaching out to WAZER Support before purchasing any third party abrasive.
Operating Cost:$10.63 per hour of cutting (assumes purchase of a 2,200 lb WAZER abrasive pallet)


There are 3 primary components on the machine that wear over time and will need replacement.  

Cut Beds

The cut bed is the most frequent replacement part. As WAZER cuts your part it also cuts into the cut bed.


The nozzle focuses the high pressure water and abrasive mixture. Abrasion occurs on the nozzle’s internal surfaces, wearing them over time.

Pump Seals

The high pressure pump is robust and built to last for years without servicing. When the time comes, we make the process easy for you.

Replacement Parts Specs

Cut BedMaterial:Corrugated polypropylene sheets
Lifetime:20-100 hrs. (highly dependent on geometry being cut)
Dimensions:13” x 19” x 4”
Weight (dry): 6 lbs
Features:Reversible. Lifetime estimate assumes both sides are utilized.
Top and bottom surfaces heat-welded for flatness.
3” x 3” Grid Pattern acts as reference indicator matching the WAM software.
Operating Cost:$2 per hour of cutting
NozzleMaterials:Ruby (orifice), Tungsten Carbide (mixing tube)
Lifetime:300 hrs.
Operating Cost:$1 per hour of cutting
Pump ServiceLifetime:600 hrs.
Operating Cost:$1 per hour of cutting

Contact Support to order pump servicing

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